
Lead the crypto accounting revolution

As an innovator and leader in crypto accounting, Berru has managed to expand their business by using Elven as their platform to manage their clients' crypto asset transactions
Lead the crypto accounting revolution

Our Solution

Berru assists many crypto projects with compliance and financial management duties . As a result, Berru needed a professional platform to manage the financial information of their various clients.

With Elven's financial management system, Berru is able to manage multiple clients' information simultaneously and generate financial statements and synchronize them with their clients in a timely manner.

At the same time, Berru's managers can invite different accountants to work on different projects through Elven's multi-user collaboration with access control while not compromising the privacy of their clients' information.

Learn more about
Crypto Accounting Solution
Exchange Accounting Solution
Proof of Reserves Solution
Founded in 2022 and backed by Coinhako, the largest crypto exchange in Singapore, Berru provides all-in-one corporate secretarial services for businesses, entrepreneurs, and owners. Berru covers company incorporation, business administration, accounting and taxation, human resource management.