Project Implementation & Continuous Operation
Project Manager
Responsible for overall project management and communication coordination, organizing training and Q&A sessions, and collecting product customization requirements.
Data Manager
Responsible for system integration and historical data migration and calibration.
Finance Manager
Responsible for assisting in configuring business and financial rules and calibrating financial reports.
R&D Manager
Background in systems engineering and full-stack engineering, responsible for customized data integration and feature development, coordinating R&D resources for development, deployment, debugging, and technical support.
Typical Project Implementation Timeline
SaaS Version
Kickoff and Project Confirmation Meetings
1 - 2 weeks
Define project objectives, assigned team personnels, and milestones, and finalize the detailed project plan.
Data Migration and Verification
2 - 4 weeks
Importing and calibrating historical data and integration with the platform.
Financial Rules Configuration and Financial Report Validation
2 - 4 weeks
Importing and calibrating historical data and integration with the platform.
Customized Product Development
Customize platform integration, functionality upgrades, report exports, etc., based on specific business scenarios.
Ongoing Operations
Support for the implementation of new business adaptations, regular functional training and Q&A sessions, and operational technical support.
Privatization Deployment Implementation Cycle
Private Edition
Kickoff and Project Confirmation Meetings
1 - 2 weeks
Define project objectives, assigned team personnels, and milestones, and finalize the detailed project plan.
Data Migration and Verification
2 - 4 weeks
Importing and calibrating historical data and integration with the platform.
Financial Rules Configuration and Financial Report Validation
2 - 4 weeks
Importing and calibrating historical data and integration with the platform.
Customized Product Development
Customize platform integration, functionality upgrades, report exports, etc., based on specific business scenarios.
System Deployment
3 - 4 weeks
Complete deployment of AWS architecture and program code, data access engine, and management operation backend on the client's own servers.
System Debugging
1 - 2 weeks
On-site or remote debugging of data reports according to client needs, ensuring a complete cycle from raw data to financial reports and aligning historical data.
Ongoing Operations
Support for the implementation of new business adaptations, regular functional training and Q&A sessions, and operational technical support.
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