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We are able to track all our account balance and generate financial report easily with Elven's system.
The function helped us eliminate much of the manual work involved in compliance reporting and ensures that we get accurate results!
Customers' pain points

Automated daily regulatory required reconciliation report

Managing numerous financial data sources and handling large volumes of data in the hundreds of millions

Manual reconciliation and accounting tasks present significant challenges for the finance team

We provide
  • Segregation of client funds, real-time access to batch wallet balances, and daily balance reconciliation.
  • Import client order data and reconcile transactions with bank and wallet flows.
  • Data support and accounting for derivatives (margin, perpetuals, options) trading.
  • Aggregate orders according to defined business dimensions and automate accounting.
  • Integrate the crypto sub-ledger with ERP.
Regulated Exchange
Coinhako is a leading Singapore-based cryptocurrency exchange. It enables users to trade various cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple. The platform focuses on making cryptocurrency trading easy for Asian users, offering a user-friendly interface and multiple payment options such as bank transfers and credit/debit cards.